Spring Challenge…

Spring Challenge…

A challenge going in to Spring…as the weather starts feeling warmer and the night lighter, a renewed energy awakens our bodies…

Red Rose Desire is challenging ladies to transform their lifestyle, by following a healthy living transformation based on the proven principles of effective diet, exercise, and realistic expectation. Our aim; to make all women confident and feeling great going into a new season. Feeling good is powerful.

How you feelSmall changes can be very effective to how you feel inside and out, however getting comfortable in your own skin is the first step to a happy healthy body. Inner confidence
really does shine on the outside.It all begins with you and your personal goals.

For many women who struggle with the shape or size, the only way to achieving such confidence and personal satisfaction comes from cosmetic surgery which aims to enhance and change the bodies shape in a subtle way.  Your reasons are very personal, it may be that you were born with a very flat chest, or that you have struggled with stubborn pockets of fat which diet and exercise alone, cannot alter.  Whatever the reason, working with your surgeon to discuss your personal needs, and expectations can help you make the decision which is right for you.

Whether you’re considering undergoing breast, facial or body reshaping surgery, or seeking valuable advice on your first cosmetic procedure, turn to Red Rose Desire Cosmetic Surgery for advice and help on the road to the new you. Red Rose Desire can help you achieve the results you have always wanted. With
Cosmetic Surgery becoming increasingly popular, safer and more affordable, there has never been a better time to feel fabulous!

We have a number of implant options available depending on the shape and size of the Breast Enlargment procedure and can offer a range of surgeons depending on the outcome you desire.  We also offer Implant Removal and or Replacement and can offer Fat Transfer Breast Surgery too.  Many opt for Breast Uplift Surgery, and for those struggling with size, Breast Reduction Surgery is needed alongside.

A range of implants are available, each one with different profile and size, and very much those tailored to each individual.  Read more about Breast Implants options here.

Whatever your reason for surgery, we are with you every step of the way.  Trust us to offer a hand-held service alongside our professional and experienced team, to give you the peace of mind to make the most out of your journey.

Your North West Cosmetic Surgery Clinic.

Your North West Cosmetic Surgery Clinic.


Cosmetic Surgery Patients

Personalised patient care from beginning to end. Treatment with hand-picked, high-quality surgeons in the UK’s leading hospitals.

Start with your Complimentary Consultation.
Meet directly with one of our specialist surgeons, who will discuss the procedure, risks and your expectations at length.

Following Your Consultation…
At Red Rose Desire we have a no pressure policy. We know making the decision for surgery is a big one, so with that in mind we are here to help, our
knowledgeable team will be on hand throughout your consultation, surgery booking and after.


Breast Surgery Manchester


Our Process for Surgery:

1. Initial consultation with
2. 2nd consultation with
3. Pre op assessment
with our nurse.
4. Surgery

Post Surgery
Following your discharge from hospital our nurse will make daily phone calls to you.

Post op appointments
Our nursing team will see you at approximately 1 week post surgery.

Consultant Discharge
Your consultant will see you at 6 weeks post surgery.

Our team of specialist resgitered surgeons carry out plastic surgery, including reconstructive, aesthetic and cosmetic surgery across the North West of England. All surgeons where applicable are members of the appropriate bodies for Cosmetic Surgery and Plastic Surgery Procedures, such as the British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (BAAPS) so you can always trust in their experience and care.

Our procedures as follows:
Abdominoplasty (tummy tuck)
(Armlift) Brachioplasty
Blepharoplasty (eye surgery)
Breast Enlargement
Breast Re-Augmentation (new implants)
Breast Implants
(Breast uplift) Mastopexy
Breast reduction
Vaser- Liposuction
(Male breast reduction) Gynaecomastia
Pinnaplasty (ear correction)
Rhinoplasty (nose surgery)

Book a free consultation with one of our specialist surgeons: consultations are available in Manchester, Preston, Bolton and Birmingham.

0% Finance Available.
To ensure you can make the right decision, without compromise, most of our procedures have 0% finance available.

Uplifting our breasts, and our lives!

Uplifting our breasts, and our lives!

Breast Uplift Surgery

We recently wrote an article about how breast reduction cannot only be life changing, but lifesaving too. This statement can often be more widely justified because having breasts too large for your frame can understandably cause medical and mental health problems alike.

But can we say the same for breast uplift surgery and breast enlargement surgery? These cosmetic procedures aren’t seen as medical necessities, but so they make a big difference and should they be?
Small, aging, saggy breasts do not tend to cause physical pain or discomfort, and for this reason the NHS wouldn’t ordinarily cover breast uplift or enlargement surgery. This would only be granted or considered by the NHS on very rare occasions such as;

Reconstructive purposes – their breast is missing, damaged or affected by an illness or injury such as breast cancer removal or mastectomy. Perhaps their breasts have been adversely affected from birth with a defect or tissue damage etc.

Psychological deterioration purposes – for the NHS to approve a breast uplift surgery, it needs to be very apparent that a person’s mental health is at severe risk and is being negatively affected by their breast situation. This could include those whose breasts differ significantly in size, or those who have lost large amounts of weight and their breasts are sagging immensely, due to the loss of fat and tissues in their breasts.

If it’s so hard to get a breast uplift surgery on the NHS, surely, it can’t be seen as life changing, or lifesaving if it’s not for the extreme medical reasons above?

From our experience in the breast uplift and augmentation surgery field, we would actually disagree.

Uplift Cosmetic Surgery

We see people from all walks of life, of all ages, all races, all background and situations. They come and see us for breast uplift consultations, daily. Every single person that we see has different reasons and motives for wanting to enhance their breasts through breast uplift surgery.

The reasons are never-ending, but some of the most common reasons are;

Different sized breasts

Most people’s boobs are different sizes, but this can vary from slight to significant. Just because the NHS doesn’t deem your size differentiation as substantial enough, doesn’t mean that it won’t cause you discomfort, embarrassment or feelings of self-consciousness. It can be super hard to get bras / bikinis that fit, and clothes can also often not fit correctly when there is a large difference in breast size too.

Aging or saggy breasts

Saggy breasts can happen for a number of reasons and it’s completely normal and common for women globally. It’s a natural process of aging when our collagen and oestrogen supplies begin to diminish, our skin loses its elasticity, and gravity starts to take hold of our once pert breasts. Sometimes, this process can begin sooner however, when a person goes through extreme or rapid weight loss / weight gain, has multiple pregnancies and therefore many hormonal changes, and even smoking can cause breasts to sag. When this happens early, or at all, it can be the cause of severe lack of body confidence, making women not want to wear bikinis or lingerie, and it can affect their sex lives due to confidence in the bedroom too.

Misshaped breasts

Just like breasts can come in different sizes, they can also be, or become, mis-shaped. One could sag more than another, or weight gain / loss could cause them to change shape too. Once again, this can cause a person to feel a lack of body and breast confidence.

Although the case for some, most people we see don’t come looking to get a breast uplift surgery simply for aesthetic reasons. Nearly all surgery clients we speak to are feeling in some way negative about their bodies and breasts, which in turn is affecting their minds.

If you don’t feel confident in certain clothes, in bikinis or lingerie, especially if you don’t feel confident in the bedroom, it can really affect the way we feel inside. How many times have you had a spot or gained a little weight and felt bad about yourself? We can surely all relate to that? Yet those things can come and go, and can also be worked on / controlled with exercise, cosmetics, health and diet etc.

Crescent Breast Uplift

When our bodies change for what we feel is for the worse, and it isn’t something we can naturally change or work on, it can have an adverse effect on our mental health. Feeling unlike ourselves, lacking in confidence and self-worth, not loving the skin that we’re in can really take its toll psychologically.

If we can gain this confidence back by improving and uplifting our breasts, by augmenting them to a shape and size we feel more comfortable and self-assured in, this can surely have a life changing effect?

If we felt so low when we didn’t feel ourselves, so out of character, if we didn’t want to have sex with our partners due to embarrassment, if we didn’t want to go on holiday because we weren’t confident enough to wear bikinis…could we not go as far as saying that if we had corrective surgery for, and to fix these reasons, it could not only be life changing, but lifesaving too?

Corrective breast surgery, breast uplifts, breast enlargements and even breast reduction can all help to make a person feel more like themselves, to be who they really are. We help 100’s of women, men and non-binary people change their lives every day by consulting and completing these surgeries.

If you are looking to change, or indeed save your life, please come and see us for a free breast uplift, breast enhancement surgery, and we can certainly help.

Ladies Breast Uplift Surgery.

Ladies Breast Uplift Surgery.

Sometimes we wish time would move faster, especially in periods like now when we look to a virus free life where we can hug our relatives again. Ordinarily, I think most of us would wish for time to move slower, especially when we think of our bodies! With time and age, comes some unexpected and often undesirable changes. For ladies and our breasts for instance, we may have had children, lost significant weight, or simply gravity has taken hold. Here at Red Rose Desire, the Breast Uplift (Mastpexy) is performed regularly by our very skilled surgeons, on women who would like to uplift and transform their sagging breasts into more youthful and perky bust.

Breast Uplift Surgery

What is a breast uplift?

The breast uplift is a surgical procedure that removes excess skin and reshapes sagging, deflated breasts to give them a natural, perky appearance, without having to change their size. This differs from procedures we provide such as breast reduction, where we decrease the size of the breasts by removing excess skin, tissue and fat, or breast enlargement where we increase the size of the breasts by either inserting silicone cohesive gel implants, or by using fat deposits from other areas of the body.

Breast uplift surgery can be performed with the additional use of breast implants, depending on what result you are looking for. If you do not have the volume to do the procedure without implants, or if you simply desire more volume and bigger breasts, then you might decide you want the implants in addition to the uplift. Our surgeons will focus all aspects of the breast uplift procedure and the options open to you, specifically on your individual needs and desires.

What is the procedure?

Typically, a breast uplift procedure here at Red Rose will involve our skilled surgeons making several incisions to remove any unwanted, loose skin from the breast tissue and then repositioning the nipple so the breasts sit higher on the chest. You will be under general anesthetic for roughly 1.5-3 hours.

Recovery time varies depending on the patient and can be anywhere between 4-6 weeks or longer. We pride in providing you with the best post-op aftercare that we possibly can telling you what to expect, what steps to take, providing any required medication as well as an on-call nurse to help you through recovery and any issues you may encounter.

Who are breast uplifts for?

 If you are happy and healthy but feeling a lack of confidence and body positivity due to the stretched skin of your sagging breasts, then you might be the right candidate for a breast uplift. Whether it is pregnancy, nursing, weight loss or simply time and gravity that has taken its toll on your breasts, this surgery could help elevate and reshape your breasts and the way you see and feel with them.

Want to go ahead with a breast uplift?

Why not come in for a complimentary consultation with one of our specialised breast surgeons to discuss everything from the process and procedure to your expectations and desires, answer any questions you may have and find out if you are the right candidate for the breast uplift procedure here at Red Rose Desire.