Breast Implant Removal or Replacement

Breast implant Replacement surgery is breast surgery that involves removing old breast implants and replacing them with new implants.
The surgery involves removing the original breast implant, along with any scar tissue, clearing the breast pocket and inserting the new implant.

Typically implants need to be replaced after 10 – 15 years and it is at this time that your implants might be replaced with like-for-like implants or with implants that are a different size, shape or material.
Naturally over time many women see changes to their size and shape, perhaps they have breast fed, or been through pregnancy or weight loss or gain, and it is at this time that implants which were once a perfect fit, may need to be altered according to their new body shape, it is also common to combine other procedures like an uplift to meet with their new desired shape and size and appearance.

We offer a number of treatment options depending on your desires and the condition of your current implants, and our experienced plastic surgeons are skilled in the replacement and re-augmentation procedure.

Click here to view our full list of procedures.


Breast Implant Replacement:  From £6000

Breast Implant Removal:  From £3500

Monthly repayment options available

Breast Implant Options


Full aftercare plan with surgeon and personal nurse
On-call nurse 

Consultation location area

Preferred Consultation Clinic



We advise that you attend a pre-operative consultation with your surgeon, that way you are able to discuss the options available to you and understand more about the approach most suitable. We also feel it is important for you to have the opportunity to attend a sizing appointment to look and feel the various shapes and sizes of breast implants available for your replacement. This will give you the best possible idea of how you may look following your breast implant removal/replacement operation.

Most often your surgeon will remove the current implant through your old scar, although there may be discussions required if you have decided to increase the size of your existing breast implant or would like to achieve a different result, for example an improved appearance of the cleavage area.