Meet Geraldine – Our Breast Reduction Patient.

Meet Geraldine – Our Breast Reduction Patient.

Geraldine had spent many years considering a breast reduction and came to Red Rose Desire after a recommendation from a family friend who had already had surgery with us. At 62 years of age, Geraldine finally felt confident enough to kick
off her surgery journey and started the research to seek out the best company and surgeon for her.

Breast Reduction Surgery

Geraldine came along and met with Dr. Krishnan who talked through her surgery options, the procedure itself, her desires, her expectations, as well as her health and medical history. After seeing the surgeon and undertaking a number of discussions, Geraldine went ahead on the 19th of January with a Bilateral Breast Reduction at the private hospital in Wigan.

She says ‘I had no doubt about having the procedure once I had seen Mr. Krishnan, he was so very clear, detailing my procedure and options and any risks there could be. As you all know I’m very happy with the outcome”.

Age is but a number! Geraldine may have been a little older, but that didn’t stop her making this body changing decision that has gone on to change the way she lives her life and the way she looks and feels about her body. We know that surgery has
no limits by age, and risks associated can be present on many factors, but not age.

The success of your surgery is simple…find an experienced surgeon who will take time to get to know you and your expectations, someone who is credible, experienced and qualified. There may be some risks associated with surgery, in various factors, but one thing that has no limits when it comes to surgery is age, just as Geraldine proves!

Breast Reduction | Breast Reduction Surgery for Women

Breast Reduction | Breast Reduction Surgery for Women

Breast reduction surgery is one of the top 2 most popular cosmetic surgeries in the UK, along with breast enlargement (augmentation). There were over 4,200 breast reduction surgeries performed across the UK in 2019 with a sharp rise in popularity of male breast reductions in recent years. This number is actually down by 7.5% from the previous year which I believe is attributed to our experienced surgeons ensuring a much larger focus on assessing patients’ mental and psychological health. We believe this is essential in our current climate where social media has driven a very sharp rise in people of all generations looking for a “quick fix”, so we are here to put you first and ensure you are the right candidate for our procedures. We will be the first to advise against a breast reduction if our surgeons feel it necessary.

Breast Reduction Before/After

Are you the right candidate for a breast reduction?

Large, disproportionate breasts can be damaging both physically and mentally, affecting your self-esteem as well as causing pain, discomfort and limitations on physical activities. You might be after the physical relief that will come with a breast reduction, the cosmetic improvement or both, but we usually try not to perform a breast reduction on breasts that are not yet fully developed. We want you to be fully aware and have an understanding of the procedure and the risks as well as managing your expectations before going ahead with any breast reduction surgeries.

Benefits of breast reduction surgery?

There are an array of benefits of breast reduction surgery which can differ from person to person, but these often include the alleviation of back, shoulder and neck pain, chafing and rashes, improving posture, removing discomfort, as well as having an incredibly positive impact on overall self-confidence and self-esteem. Long term benefits of breast reduction include having a larger choice of clothing, including swimwear and underwear, as well as the ability to take part in physical activities that you may have previously been unable to participate in.

What is a breast reduction procedure?

A breast reduction, mammoplasty or a ‘boob reduction’, is a cosmetic procedure which makes your breasts lighter and smaller whilst also improving their shape. This is done by our skilled cosmetic surgeons who will safely put you under general anaesthetic before making an incision on the areola (the dark area surrounding the nipple) and removing some of the fat, skin and breast tissue whilst also reshaping and repositioning your nipples so they are higher up, giving them a perkier, natural and more youthful look. You are essentially receiving a breast uplift in addition to the breast reduction.

The procedure should take around 2-4 hours and we will give you concise and dedicated aftercare to aid you in as swift a recovery as possible.

Breast Reduction

 How long is recovery?

Recovery time for breast reduction surgery varies for everyone but we recommend taking time off work to rest. Our patients tend to recover within one to three weeks and we really recommend having someone there to help you in the first couple of days after the surgery if possible. You will have an on-call nurse should you require any help and we will provide you with all the aftercare information you need as well as any pain medication you might require too.

Are there any risks?

Just like all other operations and surgeries there are risks that can come with breast reductions such as infection or scarring. When you come in for a complimentary consultation with our specialist surgeons, they will happily talk you through all possible risks and complications so you are completely aware and fully informed before making the decision to go ahead with the procedure.

When choosing any surgery it’s important to appoint a company and surgeon that is reputable, accredited, experienced and trustworthy. Your body is invaluable and precious and the best way that you can reduce the risk of any issues is choosing the best people to take care of you, and your surgery, whilst also following any advice given.

Our surgeons will do everything in their power to reduce any risks as much as possible and will provide you with all the pre and post surgery advice required so you can also help to decrease these risks too. Alongside this is the lifetime aftercare we provide you with so you can feel safe and comfortable and we can be with you and support you every step of the way.

If you’re ready to speak to a surgeon about any surgery we offer, and would like to book a consultation, please feel free to contact us via phone, email or the website.