Male Breast Reduction.

Male Breast Reduction.

Gynecomastia is enlargement of the breast tissue in men and it is estimated that around forty to sixty per cent of men will experience changes in the size and shape of breast tissue at some point in their lives.

Natural Changes

As young men reach puberty, changes in hormone levels may cause small lumps to develop under the nipple area. Over time, these lumps may disappear,  but in some cases they continue to grow and increase the tissue size in the breast area. In some instances, the increase in glandular tissue can be uncomfortable and painful, making physical movement or activities difficult and problematic.
As we mature, changes in our body shape, through weight gain and/or muscle loss through being less physically active may cause excess fat in the breast area or the skin to sag.

Body Image

Changes in the chest area and noticeably enlarged breast tissue can be very distressing and leave you feeling self-conscious or embarrassed; potentially, affecting many aspects of your life.
At Red Rose Desire, we don’t underestimate the affects this condition can have on your confidence and self-esteem; we are here to provide help and support to guide you through any insecurities you may be feeling and guide you through your choices available through the breast reduction surgery we offer.

Male Breast Reduction Surgery

Male chest reduction surgery is designed to remove excess fat and sagging skin from an enlarged chest. It’s helped many men to regain more natural proportions and improved posture. Here at Red Rose Desire, our experienced team will provide surgery and a full care programme to ensure that your new body shape has a positive impact on your lifestyle and self-esteem.

Our Procedure

Your first step is a full consultation with a Surgeon, where you will be able to talk in detail about the results you want to achieve. We will work with you to attain the right chest shape for you and your body. This is a great opportunity to ask any questions you may have about your surgery, and the journey to your new body. At Red Rose Desire we want our patients to feel the best they can and enjoy the comfort of feeling body-confident.
Breast reduction surgery involves a small incision around the nipple area, then liposuction is used to remove excess fat, and depending on your requirements, excess skin and glandular tissue may also be removed in order to achieve your desired results.
The surgery is performed under general anaesthetic and you will most likely spend at least one nights stay at the hospital.


Your personal aftercare team will carefully monitor your progress and will schedule follow-up appointments so we can assess your wound and post-operative progress. It is important that you take care of yourself post-surgery and give your body time to recover at a reasonable pace, in order to achieve the best and desired results.
You will need to wear the elastic compression garment provided to you for a few weeks post surgery; this will help minimise swelling and help keep your new shape created by your surgeon. Following your surgery you will feel soreness, swelling and discomfort; general pain relief will help you feel more comfortable and able to manage this.
We advise that you don’t have any vigorous activity for at least three weeks, and you should not drive for two weeks. Most of our patients feel they can return to work two weeks post surgery. We will take good care of you during your time with us for your cosmetic surgery, working together to ensure you have a smooth recovery.
If you would like to find out more about male breast reduction surgery or would like to book a free consultation,  then please contact us via email or by telephone to speak to our experienced and helpful team.