Your North West Cosmetic Surgery Clinic.

Your North West Cosmetic Surgery Clinic.


Cosmetic Surgery Patients

Personalised patient care from beginning to end. Treatment with hand-picked, high-quality surgeons in the UK’s leading hospitals.

Start with your Complimentary Consultation.
Meet directly with one of our specialist surgeons, who will discuss the procedure, risks and your expectations at length.

Following Your Consultation…
At Red Rose Desire we have a no pressure policy. We know making the decision for surgery is a big one, so with that in mind we are here to help, our
knowledgeable team will be on hand throughout your consultation, surgery booking and after.


Breast Surgery Manchester


Our Process for Surgery:

1. Initial consultation with
2. 2nd consultation with
3. Pre op assessment
with our nurse.
4. Surgery

Post Surgery
Following your discharge from hospital our nurse will make daily phone calls to you.

Post op appointments
Our nursing team will see you at approximately 1 week post surgery.

Consultant Discharge
Your consultant will see you at 6 weeks post surgery.

Our team of specialist resgitered surgeons carry out plastic surgery, including reconstructive, aesthetic and cosmetic surgery across the North West of England. All surgeons where applicable are members of the appropriate bodies for Cosmetic Surgery and Plastic Surgery Procedures, such as the British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (BAAPS) so you can always trust in their experience and care.

Our procedures as follows:
Abdominoplasty (tummy tuck)
(Armlift) Brachioplasty
Blepharoplasty (eye surgery)
Breast Enlargement
Breast Re-Augmentation (new implants)
Breast Implants
(Breast uplift) Mastopexy
Breast reduction
Vaser- Liposuction
(Male breast reduction) Gynaecomastia
Pinnaplasty (ear correction)
Rhinoplasty (nose surgery)

Book a free consultation with one of our specialist surgeons: consultations are available in Manchester, Preston, Bolton and Birmingham.

0% Finance Available.
To ensure you can make the right decision, without compromise, most of our procedures have 0% finance available.

Am I the right candidate for surgery?

Am I the right candidate for surgery?

Nearly 30,000 cosmetic surgery procedures are performed in the UK alone each year, on various body parts, for a whole host of different reasons. From familiar surgeries like breast uplifts and breast reductions, tummy tucks, liposuction and face lifts, to the somewhat less known surgeries like labiaplasty, eye bag removal and male breast reduction.

Red Rose Patients

People from all walks of life, backgrounds and ages groups desire to change parts of their body for many different reasons. These include;

  • To reduce pain
  • To tighten skin from aging
  • To tighten skin from losing weight
  • To look younger
  • Sex and gender reassignment
  • To remove signs of aging like wrinkles and bags
  • To remove excess fat
  • To increase an area’s size
  • To simply look and feel better
  • And many more health and mental health issues

There is no right or wrong reason to want plastic surgery and we consult 1000’s of men, women and transitioning people each year who are all hoping that surgery will improve their life, for their own personal reasons.

What most of them want to know initially; Am I the right candidate for cosmetic surgery?

 Each and every surgical procedure will have specific guidelines and requirements for the candidates. For instance, if you’re looking to get the more natural looking breast augmentation / enlargement with fat transfer (instead of breast implants), you will have to have the correct shape, size and amount of excess fat to remove and replace. If you want liposuction, you’ll have to have the fat there to remove and also have tried to lose the weight naturally first.

Breast Enlargement Patients

There are also health requirements for plastic surgery too, and ordinarily candidates have to be in good health if they want surgery. Certain attributes that can make a person a bad candidate for plastic surgery are;

  • Being under 18
  • Having serious health issues such as high blood pressure, heart disease, bleeding disorders, diabetes and more
  • Smoking, drinking too much alcohol, taking certain legal or illegal drugs
  • Suffering from depression, anxiety and other mental health illnesses

Although the physical requirements are of course important, we feel that mental requirements are just as important too. Some questions you may want to ask yourself if you are interested in plastic surgery are;

  • Why do I want plastic surgery?
  • What do I want to change about myself and why?
  • Who am I having the surgery for? (It should always be for yourself!)
  • Is the surgery going to change my life / help the way i’m feeling?
  • How long have I wanted this surgery for?
  • What are my expectations of the surgery?
  • Are my surgical goals reasonable?

Knowing why you want plastic surgery, knowing what you’re hoping to achieve by having surgery and being realistic in your expectations, will all help you and your surgeon determine whether plastic surgery is right for you.

Any reputable plastic surgeon or plastic surgery company in the UK should offer free, in depth consultations to discuss the health, physical and mental requirements for each surgery candidate and patient. This is a chance to speak openly and honestly with a professional and ask all the questions you need, as well as answer them from the surgeon too. There should be no obligation, as your surgeon should always put your mental and physical well being first.

If you’re ready to speak to a surgeon about being the right candidate for plastic surgery, and would like to book a consultation, please feel free to contact us via phone, email or the website.

Is Liposuction For You?

Is Liposuction For You?

Do you, like many, find that no matter how hard you try with closely followed diets and regular visits to the gym, those stubborn, hard to move bulges just will not… budge!

Well, don’t worry, you are not alone, and help is available to achieve the body shape you want and to feel completely body confident.

If you have good general health and fitness and are looking to remove small areas of stubborn fat pockets that are hard to lose through diet and exercise, then Liposuction surgery could be the right choice for you.
Liposuction is a widely used surgical procedure that permanently removes excess fat cells from the body and is one of the most popular cosmetic surgery choices for fat removal.

Liposuction surgery breaks down and removes Liposuctionexcess fat from common problem areas such as, the abdomen, arms, back, buttocks, hips, thighs and let’s not forget the flanks or “love handles”. By targeting these problem areas, your surgeon can focus on refining your body contour by removing unwanted excess fat cells to enhance your body’s natural shape and create a balanced and well-proportioned look.

The procedure is best suited to you if your skin has good elasticity and you are already at or near your ideal weight but finding it hard to remove unwanted fat from the problem areas we have talked about earlier. Liposuction is not a “quick fix” solution to weight loss and the surgery alone will not reduce how much you weigh; the average weight loss following liposuction surgery is between 2 to 3 pounds. The focus is to treat specific areas that are not responding well to diet and exercise, using fat cell removal to permanently sculpt your body creating a slimmer, firmer body shape with smoother contours.

What is involved in the procedure?

Liposuction is a cosmetic surgery procedure carried out under general anaesthetic. Although widely considered safe, as with all surgery there are possible risks, but these can be kept to a minimum by taking a few simple measures.
Most important is that your procedure is carried out by a qualified and experienced surgeon, only chose a surgeon who is registered on the General Medical Council (GMC). Being at your best weight and physical shape prior to the surgery will benefit your body during surgery and help a fast and successful recovery. A study by The Royal College of Anaesthetists recommends that tobacco smokers stop smoking at least six weeks before an operation to reduce any postoperative complications. Looking after yourself and ensuring that you are at your best health possible will lower any risk of possible surgery complications and increase the benefits of a successful recovery.

What happens after surgery?

Initially after surgery, you may notice some discomfort and it is common to experience some swelling and bruising, but this will steadily disappear over a period of around one month. As the swelling and inflammation eases some lumpiness and deep bruising may still be visible; in some cases, it may take six to twelve months for the swelling to completely settle and the full effect of the liposuction can be seen.

Your surgeon may fit a compression bandage; this will help maintain pressure to the area, stop any bleeding, supress swelling and helps keep the new body contours created during surgery. The compression bandage should be worn day and night for two weeks then during the day only for another four to six weeks. As a precaution from possible infection you might be prescribed Antibiotics and you will need to keep your wounds clean and protected as instructed by your surgeon.

How long will it take for me to recover?

Postoperative aftercare is an important part of your recovery process and it is important that you treat your body well in this respite period. Recovery is usually quick and although not pain-free, the pain you experience should be manageable with over-the-counter pain-relief medications. Depending on the extent of your surgery, generally you should be able to return to work within a few days and within a couple of weeks you will be back up to your normal pace; more extensive surgery may take a slightly longer recovery time. For all patients, it is important to avoid any overly strenuous activity for 10-12 weeks and that you start all activity post-surgery gently.

Complications arising from Liposuction surgery are highly unlikely but it’s important that you are aware of the risks and discuss them further at your consultation if you have any concerns.

Liposuction removes the fat cells from the targeted area of the body permanently and by maintaining a healthy lifestyle, through exercise and good diet, you will see long-lasting results and it will be easy to maintain your post-surgery body shape.

One of the benefits of Liposuction surgery is that it can kick-start a regular fitness regime and healthy eating style as you feel body confident and enjoy better mobility. A good nutritional diet, giving your body rest and recovery time will help your body to heal well and make a great recovery.

What aftercare is available?

Your aftercare nurse and patient care team will be available throughout your consultation and cosmetic surgery if you have any questions, concerns or need help and advice.