What Determines Breast Shape?

What Determines Breast Shape?

Breast Enlargement Options
Breasts come in a wide range of shapes and sizes. We believe that there is one pair of breasts for each person…as unique to you as your fingerprint.
Although some look and feel similar, all breasts are shaped slightly different and there are many factors that determine your breast type, especially your size.No, there is not a perfect size or shape, and no, there is no such thing as perfectly symmetrical breast either!  Although surgery can come pretty darn close.
Here we look at 3 factors that determine breast shape and size and how important genetics are to the story.

Your Weight

A large proportion of tissue is made up of fat, which means if you lose or gain weight, this can change the look and size of your breasts.  How much you lose or gain is dependent upon the amount of fatty tissue you have, and that is a lot to do with genetics.

Your Age

Over time your breasts can lose their elasticity and gravity can take its toll becoming less supportive which may cause dropping or sagging.  Be sure to invest in a well-fitting bra and support them when you can, like during exercise (wear a sports bra) and during breast feeding (wear a feeding bra).

Your Genetics

Your breasts are a complex part of your anatomy, made up of supportive or connective tissue, milk glands and ducts, and fatty tissue. How much of each tissue type you have is unique to you.
There is no secret formula to keeping them perky; genetics play a huge role in the size and shape of your breasts and can influence the level of hormones, which effect breast tissue.
Just as your genes take care of how tall you are and your eye colour, they also have an impact on your breast size, although over your lifetime, your breasts can change shape and size naturally.

We see many women who struggle with the shape or size of their natural breast and look for a little cosmetic help to restore confidence. Ladies who are flat chested who have tried padding, special bras and lotions and potions without success turn to our breast specialist surgeons for advice and help.

Others, who have lost their natural size and shape, miss what they once had and look to restore.
A breast uplift can correct drooping or sagging breasts and restore confidence.
A breast enlargement can enhance a smaller bust, and give an increased size and more symmetrical shape.
If you would like to discuss your options, or book a free consultation with one of our surgeons, please get in touch here.  Alternatively, read through our patient stories to view before and after images and understand more about what prompted surgery.