Implants for Active Lifestyles & Weight Loss.

Implants for Active Lifestyles & Weight Loss.

It is no secret that an active lifestyle can help you to look and feel more body confident, and we are advocates of this.
Stay active, eat well, and live for longer, right?

It is not always that simple…

Busting a gut, staying focussed and working hard to maintain your perfect weight is tough at the best of times.
Choosing to change your lifestyle to get fit, healthy and refine your body shape is inspiring…

but what if you reach your goal weight and you are still not happy with the result?


We see many patients who struggle with low self-esteem and confidence, even after they have lost weight, or joined the gym, mainly due to solving one problem and another occurring.  Weight loss can change the size and shape of your breasts, and may result in a huge reduction in size or not much breast left at all.    Skin that has been stretched can appear saggy and deflated and nipples can point downwards, rather than towards the front area of the chest wall.

Breast implants can sometimes fill the space where skin has stretched and give you back some size, shape and structure (and cleavage).  On some occasions, breast implants, along with a breast uplift is required, to elevate the nipple location and lift the whole breast upwards.


Breast Implant Surgery


For large, broad-based, and severely sagging breasts, both a breast reduction and breast uplift is advised.  This allows excess skin and folds to be removed, before lifting and shaping.


Downtime and Recovery

After the surgery, a compression garment will need to be worn for around 4-6 weeks.
Downtime is usually about 2 weeks, and any bending or heavy lifting should be avoided for at least a month. Swelling should subside in about six or seven weeks, and the breasts will settle into their final shape in a few months.

Exercise After Surgery

As part of your aftercare routine, and to get the best results from your surgery, it is so important to take care of yourself. This includes avoiding vigorous exercise or activities for some time. Although being active throughout your recovery period is not advised, your surgery will not stop you being active in the future and this means you can continue with your previous activity and regain your fitness levels.
Breast Uplift Result

Is Breast Surgery Right for You?

If you lack confidence in your body despite achieving fantastic weight loss results, breast implant surgery can be an option to consider. It can be carried out on its own or alongside breast uplift surgery or breast reduction surgery, depending on your desired look.
All surgery is unique to you and your body.  To get the most out of your surgery, we advise to you come along and meet the breast specialist surgeons, that way you can speak to them about your journey and your hopes and fears.
Our surgeons can talk you through the procedure, your aftercare and expected results during this free consultation.