tummy tucks

Often our patients feel frustrated and fed up with their stomach, and are looking for a transformation or lasting improvement to help them sculpt and shape this last bit, especially following weight loss or exercise.

 This is where a tummy tuck can help, with or without liposuction.

Experience a result that is tailored to you, giving you the shape you want.



There has never been a better time, it’s your body – do it right.

Many factors can cause your tummy to feel less tight or sag, which no amount of exercise or diet control can change.

For many women, pregnancy is the most common factor in this and for others, weight fluctuation, ageing, your genes and stress can be a cause.

Tummy tucks (abdominoplasty) are a way to tighten up the stomach region and give you the shape you want, leaving a scar that is low and can be hidden beneath underwear or swim wear.

You will need to see a skilled surgeon who has experience with this type of surgery. 

Book in for a free consultation to get all the help and advice and to learn more about the procedures and what to expect.