Increase in Number of Males Opting For Liposuction.

Even if you have a closely followed combination of a balanced healthy diet and regular exercise to keep in shape, you can still suffer with areas of stubborn pockets of fat that can be difficult to move or tone.

Liposuction is an increasingly popular cosmetic surgery procedure as it permanently removes excess fat cells from the body. It is a widely used surgical procedure and is considered a safe and reliable choice for permanent fat removal. Liposuction surgery is becoming increasingly popular amongst men to target the problem areas that are proving difficult to correct through diet and exercise, along with the variety of contouring techniques available to provide patient specific results.

Liposuction surgery can be performed on most areas of the body, for men it is most commonly performed on the; chin and neck, chest, upper arms, stomach, outer and inner thigh, buttocks and knees. We want you to ensure, if considering liposuction surgery, that you opt for a practice that has qualified and experienced Surgeons who will offer you a result, tailored to you.  Red Rose Desire offer carefully selected NHS registered surgeons, who specialise in these procedures.

Liposuction For Men


How Does Liposuction Work?

Liposuction surgery breaks down and removes excess fat from common problem areas of the body.
Performed under general anaesthetic, a very small incision (or incisions) are made into the skin and by inserting a hollow tube (cannula), the fat is loosened and broken down. A syringe is then used to suck out the fat removing it from the body, and this technique is important for your size and shape.

The points of incision will then be stitched closed; as the incisions are small there should be little or no visible scaring. By targeting these problem areas your surgeon can remove unwanted excess fat cells, enhance your body’s natural shape, refine body contour and create a balanced and well-proportioned, firmer look. This is always pre-agreed in line with your desires and expectations.

What Can I Expect To Lose?

Although not a “quick fix” solution to weight loss; surgery alone will not reduce how much you weigh, if your skin has good elasticity, you are already at or near your ideal weight, in good health and taking regular exercise but still finding it hard to remove unwanted fat from the problem areas mentioned earlier, then you may find liposuction is a great option for you.

Performing male liposuction can be a little more difficult than female liposuction as male fat is denser in texture and more adherent to the muscle layer. Because it is more resistant male fat can be harder to extract and may not suction out as softly or smoothly as female fat; it is possible that less fat is removed because of this. Your surgeon will discuss this in great detail and of course work through your options, during a complimentary consultation.  You can book a complimentary consultation here.

What Happens After Surgery?

Initially after surgery, you may notice some discomfort and it is common to experience some swelling and bruising, but this will steadily disappear over a period of around one month.
As the swelling and inflammation eases some lumpiness and deep bruising may still be visible; in some cases, it may take six to twelve months for the swelling to completely settle and the full effect of the liposuction can be seen. Your surgeon may advise you wear a compression bandage; this will help maintain pressure to the area, stop any bleeding, supress swelling and helps keep the new body contours created during surgery. The compression bandage should be worn day and night for four to six weeks.

As a precaution from possible infection you might be prescribed Antibiotics and you will need to keep your wounds clean and protected as instructed by your surgeon.

Is Aftercare Included?

Postoperative aftercare is an important part of your recovery process and it is important that you treat your body well in this respite period. Recovery is usually quick and although not pain-free, the pain you experience should be manageable with over-the-counter pain-relief medications. Depending on the extent of your surgery, generally you should be able to return to work within a few days and within a couple of weeks you will be back up to your normal pace; more extensive surgery may take a slightly longer recovery time, this will be advised by your surgeon.

For all patients, it is important to avoid any overly strenuous activity for 10-12 weeks and that you start all activity post-surgery gently.

Your care and support team will be available in the days, weeks and months after surgery and a series of appointments will be made to monitor recovery and progress.

To find out more information about the liposuction surgery we offer or to book a complimentary consultation here.