Breast augmentation surgery is one of the most popular cosmetic surgery procedures in the UK, and we welcome many ladies who are considering breast enlargement, breast uplift surgery or breast reduction surgery each year to Red Rose Desire.
For all those considering breast surgery, there are many decisions to make: what size, what shape, what implant style and warranty. One further area to consider when considering breast enlargement surgery will be your implant placement; either over the chest (pectoral) muscle or under the chest muscle. This is an important part of surgery and will play a large part in your new post-surgery look and shape.
During your first consultations with the surgeons, you will discuss the right options for you. There are several factors that may determine which implant placement is best for you, during your consultation our highly experienced surgeons will discuss with you the benefits and considerations of both procedures. Although breast augmentation is very popular, our aim is to ensure that each procedure is tailored to you as an individual patient, taking into consideration body shape, chest size, desires and personal expectations.
Here are the options;
Over the muscle (sub-glandular)
Details: Full and natural volume. Breast Augmentation using 450cc Implants Over the Muscle by Mr Sharif.
Placed under the breast tissue and above the chest muscle, this is a very popular option. A slightly less invasive procedure as only the breast tissue and skin are affected, not the chest muscle, meaning that recovery can be quicker and less painful. If you are looking to enhance existing breast tissue then it’s possible to use larger implants when placed over the chest muscle, also, by placing the implants closer together, an enhanced cleavage is created; desired by many of our ladies.
If you are athletic and enjoy sport activities, then this may be the better choice for you as your implant won’t interfere with the chest muscle when it is worked.
The sub-glandular technique creates a more rounded look; preferable for some patients but not for patients hoping for a more natural look; this is a purely personal choice.
As the implant is above any muscle, there is only skin supporting the implants and so you may have a slightly higher chance of experiencing skin rippling or stretch marks, although these can settle over time.
One final consideration for the sub-glandular technique is during a Mammogram it can be tricky to clearly see all of the breast tissue, so extra images may need to be taken; some ladies find this procedure uncomfortable.
Under the muscle (sub-muscular)
Details: Breast Augmentation using 450cc Implants Under the Muscle.
For this technique, the implant is placed partially under the chest muscle. This technique will be a perfect choice if you are hoping for a more natural look, as the implant is covered by breast tissue and muscle.
An added benefit of this technique is that it causes less strain on the skin surrounding the breast as the muscle helps support the implant – although there can be extra time to consider post operatively.
There is also less chance of rippling of the skin as again the implant sits under the muscle and protects the area where the implant meets the skin. The occurrence of Capsular Contraction is also reduced and any interference of the implant at Mammograms is less of a problem.
If you are thinking of having more surgery in the future to further enhance your body, this technique lowers the risk of interrupting the blood supply to the nipple.
So, there are lots of positives for you to consider. A few things you should think about before opting for the sub-muscular technique is that the surgery required is slightly trickier; possibly causing some pain, and recovery time may be longer due to the more invasive surgery procedure. Our post-surgery care team will assist you throughout and provide any necessary pain-relief or after care.
If you are a particularly active person, you may notice your implant change shape slightly when you exercise the upper body muscles, but for daily activities you shouldn’t notice any change.
Until the chest muscle relaxes your new breasts may sit a little high, but this will lessen as the muscles relax post surgery and your breasts settle into their perfect positioning.
Consultation decision making
We will of course take great care of you during your time with us. Booking a first complimentary consultation with the specialist surgeon will allow you time to talk through the benefits and areas to think about for each implant placement technique, taking into consideration your preferences and needs along with the professional guidance of our experienced medical team. Our team are here to help and support you with all the decision making to ensure you achieve your dream of having the perfect result you desire.
If you would like to find out more about implant placement or have any questions, or would like to come along for a free, no obligation consultation then please contact one of our team by clicking here.