Breast Shapes and Tubular Breasts.

Tubular breast is an abnormality of the breast development that occurs during puberty, the breast tissue is inhibited by a constricting ring at the base of the breast. The growth restriction results in a lack of breast tissue and affects growth both horizontally and vertically, resulting in drooping, uneven and small breasts. Patients tend to have an unusually wide spacing between each breast and enlarged areolas (nipple area). Tubular breast is a condition that can occur in both men and women, one breast or both.

Are tubular breasts something to worry about?

Although tubular breast is not harmful for physical health, some people may feel unhappy with the shape and proportion of their breast, which can cause anxiety and stress.  As tubular breast is a condition that arises at puberty many patients have been aware of the condition for several years and possibly felt troubled or embarrassed and had difficulty finding bras, swimsuits and clothes to fit correctly. Correction of tubular breast can help build a patient’s confidence and self-esteem, so they feel more body confident, and comfortable in social surroundings or situations.  We see patients who have been unhappy for a long time, but have chosen to move forward with breast surgery to increase the size, shape and proportion of their breast.

How can breast surgery help?

With a specialised cosmetic surgical treatment, the appearance of tubular breast can be considerably improved and corrected to create a more natural looking and aesthetically pleasing breast shape.

Tubular Breasts

Tubular breast cosmetic surgery is quite unlike regular breast enlargement as the surgery looks to enhance the fullness and width of the breasts, along with the symmetry of both breasts, ultimately creating a more rounded fuller, even breast shape. As the surgery is so specialised, you will need to make sure that you are assessed and diagnosed by our specialised surgeons who are familiar with the condition and will be able to provide the correct augmentation required for tubular breast.  During a consultation with your surgeon, a detailed examination and discussion to find the best treatment for each individual case will take place before surgery is scheduled.

It is possible that you may need a series of surgical procedures to fully correct the shape of your tubular breast. The techniques used will vary for each patient depending on the severity of the correction required. Your initial surgery will be to release the restricted breast tissue; this will widen the base of the breast area. A breast implant will then be inserted to increase the rounded shape of the breast and stretch the skin into a more natural breast shape.

One of the possible effects of tubular breast is an enlarged domed shaped areola or nipple area. Following the breast implant placement, if the domed shape can not be flattened then a second surgical procedure may be recommended, an areola reduction procedure, to reduce the nipple area and enhance the breast shape. Due to the complex and varied degrees of tubular breast, some patients may need to go on and have further breast lifting or fat contouring to give balanced fuller looking breasts.

What aftercare will be needed after surgery?

After any kind of breast surgery, there will be a rest and recovery period. You should expect to see swelling and bruising, and you will be prescribed painkillers to ease any post-surgery pain or discomfort; this pain should subside after a couple of days and the bruising after a couple of weeks. It is generally recommended that you wear a surgical bra for approximately six weeks after surgery to aid recovery and help keep your new body shape. You can get back to general movement after a couple of days, but you should refrain from strenuous activity and heavy lifting for at least six weeks. You can return to light work within a week if you feel able. It is important that you keep in touch with your aftercare team and return for bandage care and scheduled regular check-ups with your surgeon at the clinic.

Within two to three months you will be able to see the full benefits of the surgery with scaring, swelling and lumpiness receding.
For further information regarding surgery options, book a free consultation or to speak to a member of our care team.