
There is no better example of how surgery can change someone’s life more than breast reduction surgery. Life changing, for it changes how the patient looks, but more so, how the patient feels.

There are daily struggles attached to having larger breasts, ones, which are physical, and ones, which are mental. Breasts come in all shapes and sizes and often the size we get is not the size we want – or the size we can manage. Often the size is disproportionate to ones chest size or causes hunched shoulders and back pain. There is a solution, and we are here to help you if you are finding these daily struggles too much.

Breast reduction

We see patients who have struggled with a larger, heavier breast for some time and it has resulted over the years in hunched shoulders and a lower self-confidence, perhaps many people noticing their breasts before their eyes. Perhaps they may have suffered with ongoing pains, back, shoulders and even shortness of breath, but have gone on without looking for solutions or a way to relieve this stress to their body.
We also see patients who have not had larger breasts all their lives and perhaps have struggled through school with little or nothing until suddenly they have experienced rapid growth, a cup size each year resulting in a larger breast which is not proportionate to their body shape.
We hear of these women having trouble sleeping, perhaps not able to get comfortable and spending much time tossing and turning to find a better position during the night.
Some talk about shortness of breath and a battle with straps weighing down on their shoulders – many having to choose thick, ugly looking bras to offer the maximum amount of support.

Very often we hear from patients who are keen to increase their fitness and struggle because of the size of their breast to stay active, which can also cause a deeper issue with weight gain and wellbeing.

Both cases are treated in the same way; ultimately, surgery can reduce the cup size of the breast, leaving a size that fits the individual and is tailored to their body shape.

Patients who have undergone a breast reduction feel pleased with the recovery times due to advancements made in incision methods, and technique. Our breast specialist surgeons are highly skilled and can offer the most advanced surgical techniques. While there is some discomfort, it only lasts a matter of days and most patients are up and moving around well, with the reduced size and benefit being felt immediately. Patients will need to wear a surgical support bra for up to 6 weeks, but regular activities (minus exercise) can resume within a week or two.